




1.The sporophyte of Riccia is a simple structure and remains embedded in the thallus.




2. The sporophyte consists of only the spore-sac or capsule.



3. Seta is present.


4.The capsule remain embedded in the thallus and has no protective covering except the calyptras.


5. The foot is lacking




6. The capsule is a sphe-rical spore sac.Its chief function is the production of the spores. It does not take part in dispersal of spores.



7. The capsule wall consists of a single layer of cell.




8.The capsule wall is dis- integrates at maturity.


9. The archesporium is formed from the entire endothecium.






10.Columela is absent.





11. The sporogenous tissue produces the sporemother cells



12.The spore dispersal takes place  by disinteg- ration of thallus.





13.The sporophyte is totally parasite on the gametophyte.



1.The structure though simple but borne on a long sterile archegoniophore.





2. It is differentiated in to foot, short seta and capsule.



3. Seta is present.


4. It hangs freely from the under surface of the female receptacle surro- unded by perigynium and perichaetium.


5.The foot is well deve-loped and broad. It func-tions as an attaching and anchoring organ.

6.At maturity the cap-sule is oval in structure and its chief function is  production and distribu- tion of spores.





7. The capsule wall consists of a single layer of cell.




8.The capsule wall is persistent.



9. The archesporium is formed from the entire endothecium.






10.Columela is absent.





11.The sporogenous tissue produces the sporemother cells and elater mother cells.


12. The spore dispesal takes place by elongation of seta and splitting of the capsule in to valves.




13.The sporophyte is totally parasite on the gametophyte.



1.The sporophyte is elaborate, erect and cylindrical portions, which remains vertica- lly attached to the gametophyte.


2. It is differentiated in to foot, intermediate meristematic region and capsule.


3. Seta is absent.


4. It arises at the dorsal surface of the thallus surrounded by the inv- olecre.



5.It is a bulbous struc-ture. It functions anch- oring organ. Rhizoids are formed in it.

6.The capsule is long, cylindrical and upright structure having unifo-rm thickness throught its length. its chief function is  production and distribu- tion of spores.


7. The capsule wall is 4-6 layer in thickness. It bears photosynthetic pigments.



8. The capsule wall is persistent.



9.The archesporium is formed from the inner layer of endothecium






10.Columela is pres-ent. It is formed from the enire endothecium.



11. The sporogenous tissue produces the sporemother cells and elater mother cells.


12. Spore dispersal takes place by splitting of the capsule in to valves.




13.The sporophyte is semi parasite on the gametophyte.




1.The saprophyte is simple among the bryopsida.It has close affinity to Anthoceros and Funaria.



2. It is differentiated into foot and capsule.




3. Seta is absent.


4.It arises from the apex of the female brunch and is without any protective coveri -ng.


5.The foot is well de- veloped and functions as anchoring organ.


6.The capsule is sphe-rical and elabo-rate. It is concerned  with the  Production of spores and lid, concerned with dehis-cence.



7.The capsule wall is 4-6 layer in thickness. It consists of non ventilated photosynth -etic tissue.


8.The capsule wall is persistent.



9. The archesporium is formed from the inner layer of endothecium





10.Columela is prese-nt.It is formed from the enire endotheci-um


11. The entire sporo-genous tissue produ-ces sporemother cells



12.Spore dispersal takes place by separa- tion of lid and explos- ion of spores.




13.The sporophyte is semi parasite on the gametophyte.






1.The sporophyte is complex both internally and externally.





2. It is differentiated in to a foot, a long seta and a capsule.



3.Seta is present.


4.It situated at the distal end of the female brunch and is without any protective covering.



5.It is poorely develop- ed dagger like organ, functions as attaching and anchoring organ.

6.It is pear shaped.It is differentiated in to apophysis concerned with the photosynthesis, theca concerned with spore production and the lid concerned with dehiscence


7.The capsule wall is several layered and is highly differentiated.It contains stomata and photosynthetic tissue.


8.The capsule wall is persistent.



9.The archesporium is formed from the outer layer of endothecium






10. Columela is prese-nt.It is formed from the inner layer of the endothecium


11.The entire sporo-genous tissue produ-ces sporemother cells



12.Spore dispersal takes place by separation of lid and hygroscopic movement  of the peristome teeth



13.The sporophyte is semi parasite on the gametophyte.






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