
Showing posts with the label PLANT GROUPS


            Riccia        Marchantia      Anthoceros      Sphagnum   Funaria 1.The sporophyte of Riccia is a simple structure and remains embedded in the thallus.       2. The sporophyte consists of only the spore-sac or capsule.     3. Seta is present.   4.The capsule remain embedded in the thallus and has no protective covering except the calyptras.   5. The foot is lacking       6. The capsule is a sphe-rical spore sac.Its chief function is the production of the spores. It does not take part in dispersal of spores.     7. The capsule wall consists of a single layer of cell.       8.The capsule wall is dis- integrates at maturity.   9. The archesporium is formed from the entire endothecium.           10.Columela is absent.         11. The sporogenous tissue produces the sporemother cells