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Instruments for Aeroponics

  Instruments for Aeroponics                          Aeroponics is defined by the International Society for Soilless Culture as “a system where roots are maintained in an environment saturated with fine drops (a mist or aerosol) of nutrient solution” . In other words, instead of planting crops directly into the soil or media or growing them in a nutrient rich liquid solution, aeroponics relies upon applying a fine mist of nutrients and water directly onto the roots themselves. The plant is typically suspended or supported in some manner and the roots allowed to grow freely in the air inside a closed chamber without contact with any substrate.                              In these containers roots can find the best condition regarding oxygenation and moisture. These conditions allow for better plant nutrition assimilation in a more balanced way, with consequential faster development of the cultivated plants .                                             An aeroponic system was

Types of Ecology

  The science which deals with the study of the biota, their environment and interactions is known as Ecology. Ecology derived from the Greek word Oikos meaning habitation, and logos meaning study, i.e., study of the habitations of organisms. This is the study of ecosystem, which describe the relation between the organisms with different habitats. The environment of an organism includes both biotic and abiotic factors. These two factors have to coordinate each other to share the resources that are present within the environmental ecosystem. To understand about this mutual relationship we have to study ecology. Human being is also the part of ecosystem. Types of Ecology The ecological studies are all about connections of all life forms in earth and their various types of ecology. Organism Ecology This is the study of organism respond to stimuli caused by physical environment. The organisms adapt the environment either happily or ignoring away from its effect. A physical change in enviro