Compare Bentham and Hooker’s system, Englar and Prantle’s system and Hutchinson system.


Compare Bentham and Hooker’s system, Englar and Prantle’s system and Hutchinson system.


Bentham and Hooker’s system

Englar and Prantle’s system

Hutchinson system.

 It is a natural system.






It is based on  de candolle’s  system.



Fixity of species is the main idea behind the system.



Seeded plants divided into dicots, gymnospermae and monocots.

It is a transitional phylogenetic system, proposed after the  acceptance of the theory descentent.



It is based on  de Eichler’s  system.



Darwinian theory of descent is the main idea behind the system.


Seeded plants divided into monocots, dicots and gymnosperms

It is a phylogenetic system.






It is based on  Bessey’s  system.



Considerable knowledge of phylogeny is the basis of the classification.


Seeded plants divided into gymnospermae and angiospermae.


Bentham and Hooker’s system

Englar and Prantle’s system

Hutchinson system.

202 Angiospermic families are recognized.


Dicots are devided in to

i)Polypetalae, ii)Gamopetalae,




Families  with free petals are placed in Polypetalae, with fused petals in Gamopetalae and without petals in Monochlamy-dae


Monocotyledonous families are arranged in 7 series.



Monocotyledons begin with Microspermae and end with Glumaceae.


280 Angiospermic families are recognized


Dicots are devided in to

i)Archaechlamydae ii)Metachlamydae



Polypetalae, and Monochlamy-dae  are placed together under a single group Archaechlamydae. Families with fused petals are placed under Metachlamydae.


Monocotyledonous families are arranged in 11 orders.



Monocotyledons begin with Pandanales and end with Microspermae


411 Angiospermic families are recognized.


Dicots are devided in to





Monocotyledons begin with Butomales and end with Graminales.




Monocotyledonous families are arranged in 29 orders.



Monocotyledons begin with butomales and end with graminales

Bentham and Hooker’s system

Englar and Prantle’s system

Hutchinson system.

Orchidaceae is the first family of  monocots.


Gramineae is the last family of monocots.


There is no phylogenetic concept about sexuality



There is no phylogenetic concept about accessory floral member.


Orchidaceae is the last family of  monocots


Orchidaceae is the first family of  monocots.


According to this system Bisexual flower evolved from unisexual flower.


Perianthless nakedcondition is considered as primitive  and with calyx and corolla as evolved character.

Orchidaceae is the first family of  monocots.


Gramineae is the last family of monocots.


According to this system unisexual flower evolved from bisexual flower.


Double perianth condition is considered as primitive , from which single perianth and perianthless condition evolved.




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