1. Cell wall consists of

(A) One main layer

(B) Two main layers

(C) Three main layers

(D) Four main layers

2.Lysosomes have

(A) Single-layered membrane

(B) Double-layered membrane

(C) Three-layered membrane

(D) No membrane

3. Leucoplast are found

(A) Petals

(B) Ripened fruits

(C) Underground parts

(D) Leaves

4. Which of the following are regularly assembled and disassembled during cell cycle.

(A) Microtubules

(B) Intermediate filaments

(C) Both A and B

(D) None of these


5. SER is abundant in cells that are involved in

(A) Lipid metabolism

(B) Protein metabolism

(C) Glucose metabolism

(D) Calcium metabolism


6. Most dense part of the cell

(a) vacuole

(b) grana

(c) nucleolus

(d)Perinuclear space


7. A semi permeable membrane is stretched across a chamber filled with water. The membrane

is only permeable to water. 60 mg of salt is added to the left side of the chamber. Which of the

following will happen?

(A) Water will move toward the right side

(B) salt will move toward the right side

(C) Water will move toward the left side

(D) salt will move toward the left side


8. Dye injected into a plant cell might be able to enter an adjacent cell through a

(A) Tight junction

(B) Microtubule

(C) Desmosome

(D) Plasmodesma


9. What is a microscope's ability to distinguish between separate objects that are close together?

(A) Magnification

(B) Contrast

(C) Resolving power

(D) Scanning power


10. If a gene mutation prevents formation of an enzyme normally used by a lysosomes, a disease

may result known as

(A) Lysosomal abstracted disease

(B) Lysosomal secretory disease

(C) Lysosomal storage disease

(D) All A, B and C


11. Sodium ions are "pumped" from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration in the nerve cells of humans. This process is an example of

(A) Diffusion

(B) Passive transport

(C) Osmosis

(D) Active transport


12. Hydrogen peroxide degradation in a cell is a function of

(A) Ribosomes

(B) Mitochondria

(C) Peroxisomes

(D) Glyoxisomes


13. Cells are commonly studied in the lab. If you were examining various unlabelled slides of cells under the microscope, you could tell if the cell was from a plant by the presence of

(A) A nucleus

(B) A cell membrane

(C) Cytoplasm

(D) A cell wall


14. It is a mesh of interconnected membranes that serve a function involving protein synthesis and transport.

(A) Endoplasmic reticulum

(B) Cytoskeleton

(C) Golgi apparatus

(D) Both A and B


15. A cell that is missing lysosomes would have difficulty doing what?

(A) Digesting food

(B) Storing energy

(C) Packaging proteins

(D) Moving cytoplasm


16. Isolation of cellular components to determine their chemical composition is called

(A) Cell differentiation

(B) Chromatography

(C) Cell fractionation

(D) All of these


17. According to mosaic model by Singer and Nicholson plasma membrane is composed of

(A) Phospholipids

(B) Extrinsic proteins

(C) Intrinsic proteins

(D) All of these


18. Ribosomes are attached with ER by

(A) Larger subunit

(B) Smaller subunit

(C) Na+ ions

(D) None of these


19. ″Proteins icebergs in a sea of lipids” is stated by

(A) Lamellar Model

(B) Unit-membrane Model

(C) Fluid-Mosaic model

(D) Micellar Model


20. The covering of vacuole is known as

(A) Chromoplast

(B) Chloroplast

(C) Amyloplast

(D) Tonoplast


21. Insulin is secreted from cells in this way

(A) Endocytosis

(B) Pinocytosis

(C) Phagocytosis

(D) Exocytosis


22. Which of the following organelles or structures is found in both plant and animal cells?

(A) Central vacuole

(B) Tonoplast

(C) Cell wall

(D) Peroxisomes


23. The various living structures present in the cytoplasmic matrix are called

(A) autosomes

(B) Inclusions

(C) Organelles and Organoids

(D) Celluloid


25. Protoplasm is a

(A) Colloids

(B) True solution

(C) Crystalloids

(D) Water


26. To obtain plasma membrane from human erythrocytes the cells are treated with hypotonic solutions that produce swelling and then loss of the hemoglobin content. The the resulting membrane is called

(A) Lagging membrane

(B) Leading membrane

(C) Red cell ghost

(D) Membrane droplet


27. The structural proteins of plama membrane are of two types

(A) Acidic, Basic

(B)Peripheral, Integral

(C) Active, Inactive

(d) All of the Above


28. The cells of those organs which are actively engaged in the synthesis of proteins contain highly developed

(A) Golgibodies

(B) Endoplasmic Reticulum


(D)All of these


29. When pinosomes or phagosomes fuse with the pre existing primary lysosomes they are called as

(A) Endosomes

(B) Secondary Lysosomes

(C) Cytolysosme

(D) Phagolysosome


30. Which of the following is not a region of the nucleus?

(A) Agranular region

(B) Fibrillar region

(C) Amorphous region

(D) Chromatin Region








1.       C

2.       A

3.       C

4.       A

5.       A

6.       C

7.       C

8.       D

9.       C

10.   C

11.   D

12.   C

13.   D

14.   A

15.   A

16.   C

17.   D

18.   A

19.   C

20.   D

21.   D

22.   D

23.   C

24.   C

25.   A

26.   C

27.   B

28.   D

29.   B

30.   D


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