Some Differences from Plant Anatomy






1.Protoxylem are the first or earlier formed xylem.


2.It matures before the growth and differentiation of plant organ.



3.Protoxylem elements are smaller in diameter.


4.Tyloses are absent in protoxylem vessel



5.Fibres are absent,rarely present.


6.Less compact and not very prominant


1.Metaxylem is the latter formed xylem.


2.It matures after the completion  of the growth and differentiation of plant organ.


3.Metaxylem elements are broader and greater in diameter.


4.Tyloses generally blocked  the metaxylem vessel.


5.Fibres may be present.


6.Comparatively more compact and prominant



            Vessel /Tracheae

1.Tracheids are comparatively short.


2.Usually up to 1mm long


3.A tracheid is a single cell



4.No fusion of many cell may occur. Cross wall of the tracheid is placed one above the other and cells are separated by cross walls.


5.Brodered pits present in cross wall.


6Tracheids are less efficient in conduction.

1.Tracheae are comparatively longer


2.Usually up to 10 cm long.


3.A tracheae composed of a row of  cells placed one above  the other.


4.In trachae fusion of neighbouring cell takes place .As a result coenocyte is formed



5.Bordered pits are absent.


6.Vessels are best suitable for conduction.

                      Sap wood

                  Heart wood

1.Sap wood also known as alburnum


2.The sap wood represents the out ward wood of the plant.


3.It is light in color and lighter in weight.



4.It consists of  living cell and represent functional part of the secondary xylem.



5.Tracheids and vessels are not plugged by tyloses.


6.Tannins, resins, gummy substances etc are not deposited in tracheary element of sap wood.


7.It is not durable.

1.Heart wood is also duramen.


2.Heart wood represent the central wood of the plant.


3.It is dark in colour and heavier in weight.


4.It consist of  of non living cell and represent the non functional part of  the xylem.


5.Tracheidss and vessels plugged by tyloses


6.Tannins, resins, gummy substances etc are deposited in tracheary element of heart wood.


7.It is durable.


           Ring porous wood

             Diffuse porous wood

1.In the early wood, the  vessels exhibit a ring like arrangement in transverse section,where xylem vessels are larger and conspicuous than those of the late wood.This type of wood is called ringporous, Cassia


2.Ring porous wood is more advance characteristic.


3.This type of wood is able to translocate a higher amount of water


4.It contain a higher amount of  alkaloids, volatile oils, lignin etc.



1.In some plants xylem vessels of equal diameter remain uniformely distributed throught the wood. This type of wood is reffer to as diffuse porous, Azadirachta indica.



2.Diffuse porous wood is less advance characteristic.


3.This type of wood is unable to translocate more amount of water


4.Alkaloids, volatile oils, lignin etc are absent.

Early wood

Late wood


1Early wood is also called spring wood.


2.It is formed in the spring season.


3.It constitutes the major part of  the annual ring.


4.It is present in the beginning of an annual ring


5.Xylem fibres are fewer in number.


6.Wood is lighter in colour.

1.Late wood is also called autumn wood.


2.It is formed during winter season.


3.It constitute the narrow strip part of the annual ring.


4.Late wood is present at the end of an annual ring.


5.Abundant xylem fibres  are produced


6.Wood is dark in colour




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